© Anders Paulsen A clearance team from DCA HMA is clearing a minefield

Council and board


According to DCA’s Articles of Association (2024) Art. 10, “The Council represents DanChurchAid’s popular and church roots and the democratic structure.”

The Council elects seven members for the Board.

Art. 10 -17 establishes the composition of members of the Council, principles for election, voting and appointment of members and chair, responsibilities of the Council and the Board, meeting frequency etc.


According to act. 9 “DanChurchAid is managed by the Board”

Board members are also members of the Council, cf. § 10, stk. 15.

Marianne Hoff Andersen, chair
Director in Municipality of Faxe

Solvej Gasseholm Bang, vice-chair
Project Manager, deputy at Nørre Nissum Efterskole (independent boarding school)

Jonas Kolby Laub Kristiansen, treasurer
Vice President, Head of Group Treasury, NKT

Roya Høvsgaard
DCA Employee representative
Senior Project Advisor

Lone Riisgaard
Assistant Professor, Institut for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhverv
Assistant Professor, International Development Research Group
Socio-Economic Research Centre, Roskilde University

Jesper Lindholm
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Department of Law, Aalborg University, Denmark

Torben Hjul Andersen
Rural Dean, Haderslev

Christine Ravn Lund
Chairwoman – Danish Youth Council

Søren Hindbo
Vice President, Ørsted, Head of Power Transmission

Peter Damgaard Jensen
CEO, PKA from 2001-2020. Professional board member since 2001.