© Zinyange Auntony

DanChurchAid in Zimbabwe

Building resilient and cohesive communities that can effectively respond and recover from shocks due to underlying factors of conflict, protection, ecological and humanitarian crises in Zimbabwe.

Main activities

DanChurchAid Zimbabwe’s primary programme goal is that resilient and empowered men and women enjoy their human rights and actively participate in their own development

Building Resilient Communities

Our programme seeks to ensure that communities and households have diversified household income, can access and influence public services that are more responsive, accountable, equitable and gender sensitive, at local and national Levels, resulting in better quality of life, security, layered agro-based livelihoods and nutrition.

Saving Lives

Our programme provides emergency relief in disaster-stricken areas and long-term development assistance through partnerships with like-minded organisations, based on our Christian values, to rebuild affected regions and restore the lives and dignity of the poor. We share our resources with the poorest, show active compassion, and help those in need.

Fighting Inequality

Our programme addresses inequalities and power imbalances between e.g. urban and rural communities, men and women, and rich and poor, in all community aspects. We empower vulnerable communities to fight discrimination and exclusion on the basis of ethnicity, gender, age, religion and severe human rights violations.

DCA Zimbabwe in numbers (2022)

25 local partners including faith based and secular as well as private companies

56 employees

296,480 people reached

6,3M turnover (EUR).


DCA operations in Zimbabwe are supported by Danida, UK Government (FCDO), Embassy of Sweden, European Union, UNDP, WFP, Church of Sweden, and Canadian Foodgrains Bank.

Contact DanChurchAid in Zimbabwe

PO Box 41629
143 King George Road, Avondale
Harare Zimbabwe

Phone: +263 (0) 8677000661

Country Director
Mads Schack Lindegaard
Mail: msl@dca.dk