© Bjarne Ussing

DanChurchAid in Democratic Republic of Congo

DCA in DR CONGO focuses on mine clearance and educating communities about the risks of mines and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) and assisting the internally displaced people, host communities, and refugees through integrated humanitarian assistance and clearance of Explosive Remnants of War

Main activities

DCA’s programme in DR Congo is strategically aligned to identified needs and activities. 

Projects are currently in:


DCA conducts Manual Mine Clearance (MMC), Technical Survey (TS), Non-Technical Survey (NTS), and Battle Area Clearance (BAC), thus increasing access to roads, rivers, schools, and agricultural land enabling the beneficiaries to resume their farming activities and ensured freedom of movement.


DCA conducts training and education in prevention of Gender Based Violence (GBV) support to survivors of GBV. Additionally, DCA is implementing Psychosocial Support (PSS) activities, including the establishment of Child Friendly Spaces, recreational activities, and training of PSS focal points.

Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFI)

DCA provides shelter and NFIs to vulnerable populations, including Internally Displaced People (IDP’s) and host communities.

Cash and Livelihoods

DCA provides livelihood activities, including cash and Income Generation Activities (IGA) to the most vulnerable displaced populations and host communities.

Education in Emergencies

DCA provides emergency education to vulnerable populations through remedial classes, provision of educational materials, teacher training, and risk education.

Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding

DCA works to prevent violent conflicts, foster social cohesion and facilitating peaceful dialogue. As such, Conflict Sensitivity is an integral part of DCA’s programme.

Weapons and Ammunition Management (WAM)

DCA seeks to embark on Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM) activities to contribute to DR Congo’s commitments to the Mine Ban Treaty.

DCA DR Congo in numbers

4 active projects in 2020

81 national employees (and 6 expats)

57,300 beneficiaries in 2020

4,296,000 EUR turnover in 2020


DCA’s operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo are supported by USAID Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), US Department of State (PMWRA), and Danida.

Contact DanChurchAid in DR Congo

Head Office
044, Avenue Accasias
Les Volcans,
Goma, Nord Kivu

Country Director
Miroslav Skoumal
Mail: misk@dca.dk

Phone: +234 829898625