© Folkekirkens Nødhjælp Woman working in kitchen garden

DanChurchAid in Zambia

DanChurchAid and Norwegian Church Aid works jointly in Zambia to fight inequality, foster gender justice and initiate climate smart economic empowerment alternatives.

Main activities

Gender Justice

In Zambia, Gender inequality manifests itself in a system of power, privilege and oppression. Women and girls in particular experience shockingly high levels of discrimination and exclusion, which perpetuates poverty and violation of their fundamental human rights.

Fighting Inequality

This entails challenging the overall public finance and natural resource management in Zambia which is characterised by corruption, wastage of public resources, illicit financial flows, narrow tax base, and an increasing debt burden. The shrinking CSO space in Zambia is evidenced by state application of oppressive laws such as the Public Order Act to suppress citizens’ freedom of assembly, association and speech.

Climate Smart Economic Empowerment (CSEE)

Contributing towards sustainable development by addressing interlinked problems of food insecurity, negative effects of climate change and youth unemployment. The result is empowered people able to lift themselves out of poverty and better contribute to creating safer and more resilient communities.

Contact DanChurchAid in Zambia

Joint Country Programme Zambia (DCA, NCA)
Leopards Hill Rd C/13/488a
P.O Box 30703
Lusaka, Zambia

Country Director
Jonathan Lea-Howarth

Mobil: +260 211 260 704

Mail: Jonathan.lea-howarth@nca.no