Agile IV agricultural project in Cambodia

DanChurchAid in Cambodia

DCA works alongside underprivileged communities to remove barriers, encouraging and supporting empowerment and development, with particular emphasis on the rural poor and response to natural disasters

Main activities

DCA works with local NGO’s and social enterprises seeking innovative solutions to improve food security and disaster preparedness and response, focusing on climate change adaptation. In Cambodia, freedom of speech is not always guaranteed, and gender equality does not exist. We work primarily on these issues, and focus on:

Saving lives

Cambodia is ranked among the countries most vulnerable to climate change and natural disasters and its effects on people’s livelihood and survival, particularly the poorest. DCA works in coordination with local governments to build communities’ resilience and preparedness in dealing with climate change.

DCA quickly and efficiently implemented cash-based assistance during crisis caused by natural disasters, and emergency responses to the COVID 19 crisis.

Fighting Inequality

Emerging from decades of genocide more than 20 years ago, Cambodia has had to rebuild on principles of good governance and respect for fundamental rights. DCA works to strengthen civil society, spreading awareness of rights and promoting accountability. We promote the rights of those most marginalized, including LGBTQI, the poorest, and fight for gender equality and the fair treatment of all.

Building resilient communities

DCA promotes sustainable livelihoods for smallholder farmers and supports increased agricultural production and income by introducing innovative drought-resistant agricultural technologies and agro-ecology, with ecological principles in designing and managing farm systems to minimize external/artificial inputs.

Agro-ecology also shortens the food chain and empowers smallholder farmers to strengthen their relationships with consumers, promoting the resilience of our food system, also in regards to the Covid19 pandemic.

DCA Cambodia in numbers

20 partners

31 projects

27 employees

124,017 direct beneficiaries, and over 1.5M indirect beneficiaries

3,803,790 USD turnover 2020

6,480,000 USD turnover in 2021


DCA operations in Cambodia are supported by Danida, The European Union, Brot für die Welt, USAID, Danmarks Indsamling and the Danish population.

Contact DanChurchAid in Cambodia

DanChurchAid Cambodia
Street 242, #48
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Country Director
Guy Clarke