Empowering Communities: Tackling Protection and Socio-Economic Challenges

DCA supports empowerment efforts in vulnerable communities in South Sudan

© Nile Hope

DCA South Sudan

The Issue

South Sudan is grappling with unprecedented humanitarian crises, placing their most vulnerable populations in dire need of urgent assistance and protection. The country is confronting its highest-ever levels of food insecurity and malnutrition, with conditions akin to famine looming. The number of internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, and refugees is on the rise, further straining the already limited resources of host communities. Additionally, severe protection risks, including heightened exposure to Gender-Based Violence (GBV), compound the challenges faced by people in the country.

The Project

In response to the pressing vulnerabilities in South Sudan, DCA, in collaboration with its longstanding local partner Nile Hope, is implementing a comprehensive set of interventions in Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area. These interventions are designed to save lives while simultaneously enhancing the resilience of local communities.

Long-term initiatives focus on building the self-reliance of target communities. This includes training producer groups, providing inputs, and enhancing income-generating opportunities through market linkages and basic business skills training. Additionally, the project addresses urgent humanitarian needs by providing multipurpose cash and market support to vulnerable groups affected by various disasters.

Disaster risk reduction efforts involve training community-led Disaster Risk Reduction and Flood Task committees to implement concrete measures such as building dykes to safeguard local food sources and prevent displacement.

Capacity-building initiatives target local government offices, traditional community leadership, and Gender-Based Violence prevention campaigns to foster sustainable engagement in dialogue processes. Strengthening community-led protection and peace committees enables addressing diverse community needs and promoting engagement between different community members.

Youth engagement activities, including involvement in protection and peace committees, sports, and peace messaging, play a crucial role in promoting social cohesion and raising awareness about peace, conflict mitigation, and protection. These interventions empower young men and women to contribute positively to their communities and foster greater resilience.

A woman runs her own restaurant after receiving training on basic business skills and receiving seed capital.

The Change

Central to the project is the empowerment of youth, women, and girls in preventing and addressing sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). Through engagement with local government and community structures, the interventions facilitate prevention and provide tailored support for survivors. Sustainable efforts in improving safety and preventing SGBV are being ensured through the establishment and strengthening of community-led protection committees.

Operating within a triple nexus framework, linking humanitarian, development and peace efforts, the project targets the most vulnerable communities and households in Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area.

The Results

The collaborative efforts of DCA and Nile Hope have significantly impacted communities in South Sudan. Outcomes include:

  • Empowered Communities: Through targeted interventions, communities have enhanced resilience and addressed vulnerabilities, particularly in reducing gender-based violence (GBV) and improving livelihoods.
  • Enhanced Social Cohesion: The project has promoted inclusive dialogue and engagement, fostering greater social cohesion. Capacity-building initiatives and youth engagement activities have contributed to community collaboration and peace messaging.
  • Improved Livelihoods: Long-term interventions have boosted income-generating opportunities and addressed urgent humanitarian needs through multipurpose cash and market support.
  • Reduced Vulnerability: Disaster risk reduction efforts have lessened vulnerabilities to displacement and safeguarded local food sources, effectively reducing vulnerability to future crises. Overall, the interventions have made significant strides in saving lives, enhancing community resilience, and promoting sustainable development in South Sudan.

Our Partner

DCA works with Nile Hope to implement the project. Nile Hope is a multi-sectoral non-governmental organization established in 2004. It is currently implementing a variety of projects across 5 of the 10 states in South Sudan, boasting over 15 years of experience in emergency response, recovery, resilience, and development initiatives. As a well-established humanitarian entity, Nile Hope focuses on various thematic areas, including Food Security and Livelihoods, Cash and Market Programs, Water, Hygiene, Sanitation, Nutrition, Protection and Gender-Based Violence, Education, as well as Peacebuilding and Conflict Mitigation.

Our Work

DCA’s work in South Sudan focuses on the triple nexus of humanitarian, development and peace work. We engage in the following range of activities, all with a cross-cutting focus on women and youth: Implementing humanitarian mine action, saving lives through humanitarian response, enhancing food security and livelihoods, strengthening peace and conflict mitigation, supporting women’s empowerment, and providing education.

About the project

Full title: Addressing protection and multiple socio-economic needs through a triple nexus approach in South Sudan and Ethiopia

Period: January 2022 – December 2024

Partner: Nile Hope

Funding: DKK 25,000,000

Main Donor: Danida

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