Our goal
For DCA, equal access to accountable humanitarian assistance and protection of life and dignity is the foundation for the humanitarian imperative.
DCA is committed to take action: to prevent and alleviate human suffering in disaster and conflict; to support locally based humanitarian response and protection initiatives; to advocate for equal access to assistance where this right is not fulfilled; and to advocate for governments to create and implement a framework for community based disaster risk mitigation and management.
In our work, we focus on:
- Delivering accountable, timely, and effective response to the needs and priorities of disaster affected populations in acute and prolonged crises. As an organisation certified in accordance with the Core Humanitarian Standard, our work is based on international humanitarian principles and standards.
- Clearing mines and unexploded ordnance, teaching risk education and implementing armed violence reduction activities to secure safe access to humanitarian assistance, critical social infrastructure and livelihood opportunities in prolonged crises and fragile situations.
- Strengthening the emergency response and preparedness capacities of our national partners is crucial for DCA. This includes cash transfer programming and early warning systems, as well as disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation that address food availability, access and utilization. As a multi-mandated organisation, we are, in particular well positioned to address the nexus between humanitarian and development work.
- Supporting the capacities of local communities and civil societies to protect themselves against threats of violence and conflict, and local leaders’ capacities for mitigation and peace- and interfaith dialogue.
- Investing and implementing new Information and Communication Technology to improve programme implementation, field monitoring, accountability and support to DCA’s partners.
- Advocating at international level for increased support to and inclusion of local actors as well as implementation of accountability and quality standards. Advocating with national and international duty bearers on mine ban and cluster munitions treaties.
Climate Change
DCA is also committed to address climate changes and it has become an important part of our goal to Save Lives. Climate changes causes extreme weather, floods and other disasters that calls for immediate attention and response. It is especially in poor countries that climate induced disasters strike, but at the same time it is the poor countries that have fewer possibilities of preventing and adapting to climate changes. DCA is dedicated to act when disaster strikes and alleviate human suffering, and climate induced disasters are no exemption, which is why DCA is committed to ensure fast and accountable response in this regard.