A woman recording a video on a smartphone. A farmer is seated on a chair in front of her

Meeting Learners Where They Are

DCA works to enhance knowledge sharing between smallholder farmers through the establishment of an agro-ecology lab.

© Roberto Traina

DCA Cambodia

The Issue

In 2021, DCA identified that most local partners lack appropriate participatory and practical learning methodologies and materials, as well as science-based agroecological knowledge. Furthermore, there is an absence of strong evidence creation for the agroecology transition. This is exacerbated by a lack of holistic approaches that agroecological solutions require, resulting in weak coordination, co-creation and innovation across local partners, farmers, universities, private sector actors and relevant authorities in the field.

The Project

DCA Cambodia proposes a “greening” and localization of the sharing of knowledge in agro-ecology, breaking up the existing siloed modalities. DCA will therefore help establish an “Agroecology Live Learning Lab (AELLAB)”. The lab will be a physical, digital, and human space for experimentation and will meet learners “where they are”. This is both with regards to technical skills and learning capacities focusing on three dimensions: modality, activities, and communities. The approach will incorporate the principal learning lab, which is user-centred and carried by users, thus permitting the development of complex solutions in a multifaceted environment. The solution proposed solves the problem of disjointed knowledge sharing, and enhances cooperation between different actors such as farmers, local NGOs, and research institutions.

National and international partner organizations participate in a training on Agroecological Crop Protection (ACP), including the role of beneficial insects to regulate pest populations and how to preserve them by increasing biodiversity.

The Change

Through the project, farmers are empowered to advance a more cooperative and user-centred way of learning and sharing agro-ecological knowledge on the AELLAB platform. This includes testing innovative tools and materials, developing capacity, and engaging in local networks, as well as developing new ways of working with institutions and universities.

Our Work

DCA works in Cambodia to promote sustainable livelihoods for smallholder farmers and to support increased agricultural production and income. This is done by facilitating knowledge sharing, introducing innovative drought-resistant agricultural technologies and agro-ecology, and by working with farmers to design and manage systems to minimize external/artificial inputs. Agro-ecology also shortens the food chain and empowers smallholder farmers to strengthen their relationships with consumers, promoting the resilience of our food system. Together, these initiatives support DCA’s goal of building resilient communities.

About the project

Full title: Agroecology Live Learning Lab (AELLAB)

Period: January 2022 – December 2024

Funding: 1,330,741 DKK

People reached: 261 direct beneficiaries and 1305 indirect beneficiaries (in 2023)

Main Donors: Danida and GRET

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