Providing dignified solutions for vulnerable and ultra-poor people   

Economic decline has had a devastating effect on the lives of most, causing businesses to shut down, forcing many into the informal sector.

© Patience Ukama

DCA Zimbabwe

The Issue

Protracted economic decline has negatively impacted on the lives of the majority and forced companies to shut down in droves, leaving the country with a largely informal sector to carry the burden of meeting the livelihood demands of citizens.

The Project

DCA provides cash transfers of USD14 per person month disbursed through EcoCash mobile money to meet the basic household needs of vulnerable and ultra-poor people in select urban high density locations including Harare South and Mzilikazi Districts in Harare and Bulawayo.

The project has a specific focus on vulnerable groups such as disabled, child-headed household, the elderly and those with chronic medical conditions.

The Change

Angela Mapfumo’s story

Angela Mapfumo suffered a stroke in 2020, shortly after joining the DCA programme and receiving training on how to breed ducks and chickens. In addition, doctors advised that she had high blood pressure and gout. After a week in hospital, she suddenly found that she urgently needed cash to pay for hospital bills, purchase chronic medication, over and above existing household expenses.

“It was a very difficult time for us as a family,” said Emmanuel Dongo, Mapfumo’s husband. “But we were able to get through it because of the poultry project that DCA had helped us to establish. We had money coming in from the sale of the ducks and chickens, which is what we used to cover the medical bills.”

The number of chronically ill rights holders who could afford treatment increased from 24% recorded at baseline, to 57% at the end of the project. An average 44% from both districts indicated that they were able to meet most of their basic needs while an average 35.5% indicated they managed to meet some of their basic needs. Through business training workshops conducted jointly with the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, DCA has been building community capacity on basic management, including financial and record keeping. These skills are being widely implemented by programme participants.

The Results

The EU funded multi-purpose cash transfer project has supported 12,000 people, and provided support through the crisis modifier component to households in cholera hotspot suburbs such as Budiriro, Dzivarasekwa, Kuwadzana in Harare and Pumula South in Bulawayo.

At least 10,000 households were supported with water purification tablets and oral rehydration solutions in response to the rising cholera cases. 

In addition, the project rendered lifesaving assistance through a once off emergency cash transfer pegged at USD23 per person to 253 households in Bulawayo affected by a marketplace fire outbreak that led to loss of livelihoods.

About the project
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