Main activities
DCA Bangladesh works with displaced Rohingya refugees and marginalized host community members in Bangladesh’ Cox’s Bazar to deliver essential humanitarian and developmental needs.
Ending Gender Based Violence (GBV)
DCA provides GBV response, prevention, and capacity building for service providers in the Rohingya camps and host communities.
Activities include: Case management, psychosocial support, sexual and reproductive health sessions, distribution of kits and items, awareness and advocacy campaigns, risk mapping, engaging men through accountable practice curriculum (EMAP), early marriage prevention curriculum (EMPC) etc.

Ensuring basic Education in Emergencies (EIE)
DCA’s foundational literacy and numeracy, life skills, and skills development training to adolescent and youth women and girls in both the Rohingya refugee camps and across the host community in co-shared, cross-sectoral spaces using an integrated education-protection approach.
Additionally, DCA provides continuous teacher professional development opportunities for female Rohingya teachers, supports the development of structured curricular materials for adolescents, and has designed and developed innovative teaching and learning approaches during the prolonged COVID-19 lockdown in Bangladesh.
Learning and knowledge materials
Remote TiCC Facilitation Guide, DCA/UN Women Needs Assessment
Promoting WaSH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) Services
Through WaSH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) programme interventions, vulnerable population have access to appropriate and safe water supply, sanitary facilities, and practice good hygiene to minimize risk of diseases.
Addressing the needs of the targeted community, DCA, partnering with NCA implements different type of activities such as:
- Construction, upgrading, rehabilitation and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of water facilities and infrastructures;
- Monitoring of water supply quality, in collaboration with district Public Health Engineering department or the cluster water supply working group;
- Carry out hygiene promotion activities;
- Coordination of sanitation stakeholders and support to local authorities and for the compliance of WASH interventions with WASH sector standards.
Watch a short video over the WaSH programmes implemented by NGO Forum for Public Health and funded by Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA).
Implementing DRR & Livelihood Programmes and Enhancing Community Resilience
Livelihood and Resilience Programmes activities of DCA cover Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL), Self-reliance and sustainable recovery, Cash Transfer Programming (CTP), Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Environment and Climate, Social Cohesion and Peace Building, emergency response for both Rohingya and Host Community. Including entrepreneurship development with a focus on women, agriculture, capacity building and awareness sessions, distribution of kits and items, and setting up Disaster Management Committee (DMC) etc.
DCA Bangladesh in numbers
2 offices (Country Head office at Cox’s Bazar and sub office at Dhaka)
5 national/ local partners
9 current donors
78,794 beneficiaries – as of September 2020
4,333,985 USD turnover in 2021
- DCA Bangladesh Fact Sheet (PDF)
- DCA Fact Sheet (PDF)
Learn more about DCA in Bangladesh
DCA operations in Bangladesh are supported by Danida, UN Women, UNICEF, UNFPA, NCA (Norwegian Church Aid), FCA (Finn Church Aid), All We Can, ACT Alliance.
Contact DanChurchAid in Bangladesh
Country Head Office
“Accord Rachy”, C-2, 2nd Floor
Beside of old Sayeman Hotel
Cox’s Bazar-4700, Bangladesh
Telephone: +88 1730 373 849
Sub Office
Flat # A-3, House- 83
Road- 23, Gulshan- 01
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Telephone: +8802- 8834343, 8814522