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With the privilege of receiving donor funds comes the responsibility of conducting procurement and logistics in accordance with these donors’ requirements. Selected must-read donor guidelines are listed below.


For DG ECHO funded projects, please plan and implement procurement and logistics in accordance with the current DCA Procurement and Logistics manuals. Guidance on how to use the DCA guidelines are available under online trainings. Under the EU Humanitarian Partnership Certificate 2021-2027 specific requirements to the implementation of procurement and logistics are found in the Model Grant Agreement Annex 5. This includes the eligibility of suppliers and service providers, which must be validated to comply with EU restrictive measures.

For NDICI-Global Europe (Neighbourhood, Development and International Coorporations), formerly known as EuropeAid, please plan and implement procurement and logistics in accordance with the current DCA Procurement and Logistics manuals. Guidance on how to use the DCA guidelines are available under online trainings. In addition, please ensure that procurement complies with EU Annex IV – Procurement rules for beneficiaries from the relevant Practical Guide to Procurement and Grants for European Union external actions (PRAG). PRAG chapter 6, on Grants, is central to DCA projects. The PRAG is updated on an almost annual basis and the Guidelines for Applicants will include information on which PRAG edition to apply.


USAID Rules and Regulations are a collection of provisions, regulations, principles, administrative requirements, directives and listings.  The DCA Guide to USAID Procurement is an addendum to the DCA Procurement Manual and the two documents together with the DCA Logistics Manual are applicable to USAID funded operations under Grants and Cooperative Agreements. The Guide does not stand instead of the USAID Rules and Regulations but will help the planners and implementers address the relevant topics in a DCA context.


UNHCR instructions to procurement planning and implementation are laid down in the Implementing Partnership Management Guidance Note No. 4. (Revision 1) Procurement by Partners with UNHCR Funds – January 2018.

The Appendix to the DCA Procurement Manual – Procurement for UNHCR Projects 2nd Revision July 2021, elaborates on some central UNHCR requirements, which are in addition to or different from the DCA Procurement Manual. Furthermore, the Appendix provides guidance on how to comply with UNHCR guidelines within a DCA procurement context. The Appendix does not replace the UNHCR Guidance Note No.4 and all implementers are encouraged to familiarise themselves with Guidance Note No.4 above.